If you are here, you are perhaps a parent, a care provider or teacher, or a minister or other kind of community leader. Whatever your specific role, I know this about you:
Your care and attention touches many, many lives.
Holiday time is many things for many people, including very hard. It is an especially demanding time for community leaders, parents of young children, and care providers.
My wish for you this holiday season is that you will feel nourished and nurtured, just as you nourish and nurture others in your family and community.
I created this little video as a gift to nourish you this season. In the video, I walk you through something called a Jin Shin Jyutsu Flow. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a healing art out of Japan, which was gifted to the West at the turn of the last century through a teacher named Mary Burmeister. Mary was sent here by her teacher, Juro Murai, to spread the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu throughout the West. And that she did.
Twenty one years ago, I met a wonderful Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner named Jenny Swiecicki, who in time became one of my very best friends. I have studied Jin Shin Jyutsu, or JSJ, with Jenny for almost as many years. It is one of the things I do every day to take care of myself, my family, and the clients and community members in my care.
JSJ is practiced by gently placing your hands on different points on your own body, or on the body of someone else, in a particular sequence. Just by making contact with these points, our hands encourage the flow of life force energy along certain pathways. JSJ is harmonizing and balancing for our emotions, our thoughts and attitudes, our physical health, and for all our relationships.
I think of it as “prayer in the body” because it feels to me like JSJ helps my body, mind and being open to God’s Presence. You don’t have to think of it that way though if you don’t want to! It doesn't;t matter how you think about it. Just put your hands on these points and feel the difference!
This Flow is called the Umbillicus Flow. It is especially nurturing and nourishing. I give this to you today as a Thanksgiving THANK YOU gift. Your presence, attention, and love make an enormous positive difference in our world.
May you feel nourished and nurtured this season and beyond.
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